I haven't taken any pictures, I haven't even found my makeup among all those boxes. Our living room possesses a unique topography comprised of boxes of different shapes and sizes. Our soon-to-be "guest room" requires a navigational chart, and the bed that's supposed to be in that room is actually giving the "computer room" a "derelicte" feel (propped up against the wall).
I've taken to waking up to the sound of my cell phone's alarm clock (since my proper alarm clock is buried somewhere in a box), and these past few days have been the least vain in my girlie existence: no barrettes, no pins, no headbands (my hair accessories box is ... in a box).
Most of our clothes are in a dirty pile in the laundry, waiting for the first free moment I might get to wash them. As it has been, moving is quite an uncomfortable affair.
But I'm happy, comfy, more contented than I've been in a long, long while. Relieved. We've been exhausted to the point of tears, but we've been able to smile through the pain and bear it, 'cuz it's for us. Yesterday I paid the most I've ever paid for groceries and start-up items (like spatulas, coasters, glasses and ice cream scoops, etc). I remember a time when putting down my signature for a quantity such would have driven me mad in despair. Yesterday I realized that commitment does not include despair. There is a second glance, maybe even a joke or two about how we're gonna have to sell our asses after paying for this first grocery list. But the familiar anxiety over "how my bank account is gonna look after this" was finally gone.
Because it's for us ...
I'm finally home.
Pictures later (because the camera is also in a box).
BTW: I've got to thank a few people that helped, or meant to help (the intention was clearly there) in the whole process:
- Eze's parents, without whose infinite help this wouldn't have been possible for a long while.
- My mom, who pleasantly surprised me by getting deeply involved in the moving process (I guess it has more to do with the fact that this time around, it is MY home).
- My brother and sister, and Eze's brother: these three were the greatest last Saturday, sweating it out to the max, to the point of sickness too. My hat's off to you guys.
- Abdelouakil Sebanna (a good friend to the family), for the laughs, the lift of spirits, the organizational skills and a vehicle to transport the huge items.
- My Dad and Martha (his wife), because even if they were not physically here, they have been praying for this for a long while. I'm sure their prayers helped in the odd way prayers usually do.
- Pepe & Jerry (hahahahahaha!!! Ben & Jerry's no more!... sorry, sorry ....) Thanks to these two guys for immediately breaking our "Welcome Home" cherry, and bringing awesome company and acid-reflux-inducing pizza (which was yummy, btw, and I mean it in a non-sarcastic way)
- José "Banano", because I know he meant to help, that's just the way he is: sweet and caring, but trying for people not to notice.
Yay for new beginnings and a new home :D
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